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Human Surrender



As humans we try to control our lives in order to prevent ourselves from being in pain, discomfort and unease. If discomfort arises, we don’t listen to its message, but we try to get rid of it as soon as possible. 

If we have a headache, we take an aspirin. If we are afraid or depressed, we seek distraction. If we feel restless or stressed, we work even harder. 

Why do we bother so much about uneasiness? Why do we fight it instead of finding comfort in the discomfort?

We will use several ancient and proven techniques for this exploration. This Masterclass provides an experiential opportunity to be with uneasy thoughts and feelings. We will not dive in the underlying theory too much. You will experience your resistance and your ability to adjust and relax mainly on a physical and energetic level.We’ll be using the following tools, during the masterclass: cold exposure, pain within the body, uncontrolled energy and emotions.


  • You will learn how to be with challenges in life which will contribute to building resilience and the ability for self management

  • You will find deep confidence in letting go of control; being more at ease with life whatever happens. Your life will express more fullness and freedom 

  • By accepting your present feelings you create space for the intrinsic message to reveal itself. Only then it’s possible to take care of the underlying need

  • You will learn how to coach your clients in a more effective manner. Most of the time your clients are straining themselves to get rid of the unpleasant situation they are in. Trying to change might become a new stressor. As a professional you can guide your clients towards relaxing and embracing their current situation, creating an environment in which deeper psychological patterning can be explored and long lasting behavioral change can take place.


October 23

Introduction Cold / Breathwork Exposure

January 16

Human in Motion Seminar